SB 253 – Senate Floor
Climate Corporate Leadership and Accountability Act
The Climate Corporate Leadership and Accountability Act puts California at the forefront of game-changing climate leadership by mandating and standardizing corporate emissions disclosures for the largest corporations. SB 253 requires all U.S.-based companies doing business in California that make over $1 billion in annual revenue to publicly report all their greenhouse gas emissions, including their direct, indirect, and supply-chain emissions. This creates the data transparency needed to reduce corporate emissions significantly by providing consistent and reliable emissions data at scale. This was EnviroVoters' sponsored bill in 2023 and the centerpiece of the Climate Accountability bill package.
Bill info from the legislature
Issues: Clean Energy Economy
Signed into Law
Top Priority Bill
Signed into Law
49 Yes
20 No
11 Abstain
27 Yes
8 No
5 Abstain